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書籍:「Resilience and Human History」

分担執筆をした書籍「Resilience and Human History: Multidisciplinary Approaches and Challenges for a Sustainable Future」(Springer)が公刊されました。比較人類学、生物学、細菌、遺伝子、霊長類…等、個人を越えた大きな枠でレジリエンスを捉えることで、改めて心のレジリエンスに対するより自由な視座が得られた気がしました。


Individual Differences in Psychological Resilience

Psychological resilience is invisible and a very complicated concept. Various resilience factors have been identified in previous studies. An individual’s resiliency was quantified by questionnaire scale, and many studies reported correlation with personality and changes with age and life events. Furthermore, many programs were developed aimed to expand resiliency through intervention and human interaction. On the other hand, we must be careful not to overlook the diversity of resilience. However, the impact of these factors in inducing resiliency varies from person to person. Even if the same stressful situation occurs, the kind of recovery that is to be aimed at varies from person to person; although the resilience may be externally invisible, it shows the possibility that the person has adopted a resilience process. In addition, the labeling of a level as adversity or adaptation depends on culture, environment, and context. While psychological resilience can be considered as a personal ability and personality, it is also necessary to consider it as a desirable characteristic in the society in which an individual lives.

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